
Conscience: What It Is, How to Train It, and Loving Those Who Differ is unavailable, but you can change that!

Christian, meet your conscience. What do you do when you disagree with other Christians? How do you determine which convictions are negotiable and which are not? How do you get along with people who have different personal standards? All of these questions have to do with the conscience. Yet there is hardly a more neglected topic among Christians. In this much-needed book, a New Testament...

you listen to some pro-abortion advocates talk about abortion as if it were a civil rights issue or a positive good. Their standard for determining right and wrong is immoral.8 What moral standard should you base your conscience on? Martin Luther’s famous statement nails it: “My conscience is captive to the Word of God.”9 2. Conscience can change. Your conscience is your consciousness of what you believe is right and wrong at any given point in time, and it can change for a complex of reasons, good
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